Call Marty Turner (first call)

Call Marty Turner to get his initial thoughts about what the Insurance premiums might be for next year. You will need to begin considering in next years budget if we […]

Begin Annual Meeting Agenda

This is where you want to begin working on the agenda for the Annual Meeting.  You can use the previous years agenda to get an idea of this years.

Download bank statements

Download last months bank statements and add to Google Workspace Upload statements to PayHOA Documents

Begin next years budget

Copy the current years excel spreadsheet (2025) and create a 2026. You must clean the new excel spreadsheet up of maintenance fees and expenses in each of the months. Begin […]

Download bank statements

Download last months bank statements and add to Google Workspace Upload statements to PayHOA Documents

Download bank statements

Download last months bank statements and add to Google Workspace Upload statements to PayHOA Documents

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